Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Congratulations Scholarship Winners!
We are excited to share the good news that Savannah Tardibono was a recipient of the OK/LA Connection Advanced Scholarship through auditions this weekend. Judges were professionals from LA and abroad. And following in her sister's footsteps, Michael Tardibono was a recipient of the junior scholarship award. Both auditioned with a group fo 80 dancers in the style of classical ballet.
Mrs. Daphne

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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

September Update...

Our dance year begins with more students joining us for classes than ever before. We are very blessed that parents value quality Christian dance training. Our Dove Dance Tulsa changed hands and is newly named The Calling Dance Academy. The Calling is owned by our former teacher, Jessica Case. We are so excited for their new beginning!
Our China Olympic Festival Tour Mission Trip was a huge success. We fulfilled the definition of mission in every aspect such as humanitarian work, sharing our faith, political influence, and cultural exchange. We danced in children's homes and western churches, danced in Tianamen Square the day the Olympic Torch entered Beijing, met First Lady Laura Bush, and held two dance workshops in Beijing and Lang Fang. We are looking forward to more tours overseas as God opens doors for us.
Special thanks to the following China Tour donors: Harvest Time Church in Enid with Pastor Carl Roberts, Calvary Temple in Edmond with Pastor Dale Drain, Shafer Dental, and SCO-JO Environmental. Our deepest gratitude is also extended to the many private Dove Dance families and friends who contributed as well to our 13 member team.
Our company will be ministering in dance at the North American Feast of Tabernacles on Monday, October 14th. We will also be a part of numerous fall conventions in Oklahoma and abroad. Our company is preparing for our Classic Christmas Show which we will be performing in churches and as outreach. Dates and locations will be posted in October.
Congratulations to our students who were cast in area The Nutcracker performances as follows: Tulsa Ballet: Madison Pride as the lead Marie/Claire, Emma Harris/party guest – Ballet Oklahoma: Claire Harris and Meagan Bradley/Jester Dolls, Emily Williams/Angel, Destiny Teitjin and Allie Renner/Party Guests. We are all so proud of you! May you shine the light and love of God.
We welcome The Porters to our ballet department staff. They come to us from Texas and have been a part of the Austin Ballet and Colorado Ballet Companies. We also welcome back many of all of our loving and professional staff for a great season ahead. May we advance the Kingdom of God together!
-Mrs. Daphne

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