Sunday, March 25, 2007

The Power of Praise!

Text: Joshua, Chapter 6

Praising the Lord in music, song, or dance is a force that is powerful enough to destroy walls and barriers in your life. It is a supernatural truth that defies logic and natural understanding. Let’s look at the story of Joshua and the walls of Jericho. Even before the victory was seen in the natural, God told Joshua in past tense, “See, I have delivered Jericho into your hands, along with its king and it’s fighting men”. The war was set to be won, it simply had to be carried out by Joshua and his army. The army of Israel saw the walls of Jericho crumble through their
1) obedience to God in unity
2) the praises lifted up to the Lord in music, marching (an element of dance), and song.

Through God’s instructions, Joshua passed along orders to his army. Note that Joshua alone could not win this battle. It took the obedience and following of the army as well. After marching quietly around the city for six days, Joshua’s army marched on the seventh day and, at Joshua’s command, gave a great shout! At this moment, the wall of Jericho crumbled. They took the city and devoted it to God.

Notice that the praises alone were not enough. First and foremost, it took the hearing and accepting of God’s instructions. If you want the power of praise/dance to work in your life, allow God’s Spirit to speak to you and guide you. You have to “de-throne” yourself from your heart and allow Jesus, your King, to take this place. He will then rule and direct your body, soul, and mind towards a life of destiny and accomplishment for His kingdom. Each step of His journey for your life calls for greater abandonment...greater sacrifices. Be encouraged by remembering that higher standards take you to the higher call. Be a history maker and change your world!

In May, we will look at Joshua, Chapter 7, and see the importance of following God's lead and returning all Glory to Him.

This chapter will rock your world!